Tuesday, January 8, 2013


So, as some of you may know, I have been blessed with pretty much the easiest baby ever.  BUT we still swaddled her for about 6 weeks in order to maximize sleep time!

The first few nights in the hospital we just swaddled her in receiving blankets and that worked pretty well.  She was super sleepy, so we usually had to wake her up every few hours to eat.

When we were discharged Adelaine's pediatrician told us we could go 4 hours at night between feedings, so I wrapped her in her Miracle blanket and over the course of the next 4 weeks we got 4 (sometimes 4.5 because we hit snooze..) hours of sleep 90% of the time.  The other 10% of the time she would wake up after 3 hours.. but I'm not complaining!

We used 2 different types of "special" swaddling blankets - Summer Infant and Miracle Blanket.

Summer Infant 

This one was super easy to put on.  Literally it was swaddling for dummies.. velcro.  LOVED that!  BUT Adelaine's strong little arms could break free after about 2 arm raises.  Lucky for us, when she startles she doesn't wake up, but if I had a baby who startled easily and woke up easily I would NOT go with this blanket.

Miracle Blanket

We had 2 of these blankets and used one every night for those first 6 weeks.  It was AMAZING!  I think she broke free maybe.. once?  After the doctor said we could let her sleep as long as she wanted I was getting 6 - 8 hours of sleep.  Yes, 6 - 8 hours of sleep from a 1 month old baby.  I partially attribute this to the Miracle Blanket.

The only cons with this blanket are.. (1) they're on the expensive side ($25 - $30) and (2) it's a must that you watch a video on how to use it because it is confusing at first (youtube it).

One of the best $45 investments ever.

For the best selection and the best price, buy directly from the Miracle Blanket website.

You can also buy them on Amazon, or at Buy Buy Baby.

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